On Thursday morning we went back to Das Dutchman Essenhaus for breakfast. It was very good and all the tables has apple butter and peanut butter for their toast and biscuits.

Then we went to Davis Mercantile which houses several businesses including Lolly's fabrics. Lolly's was very modern and had a nice selection of top quality and the latest fabrics. Notice the quilt mural on the side of the building. Lolly's even had a copy of Kathy's book "Sweet and Simple". We also discovered the basement had a sale room of very nice fabrics.
After Lolly's we went to Kukui's Hawaiian Shaved Ice for a treat. It was soooo good.

On the way home we stopped at Yoder's Red Barn which had Yoders Meats. This place was incredible. Lots of fresh meats and cheeses of every type. We had to purchase some fresh smoked bacon and fresh jalapeno sausage for cooking in the MH.

On the way home we stopped at Yoder's Red Barn which had Yoders Meats. This place was incredible. Lots of fresh meats and cheeses of every type. We had to purchase some fresh smoked bacon and fresh jalapeno sausage for cooking in the MH.
It was a long day, but couldn't wait to get home and work on my quilt projects. Just wandering thru the quilt shops made me want to just go home and quilt.
More fun tomorrow.