This is Nickie with his arms around Bentley. He just loves Bentley sooooo much.He just won't leave him alone.
The next morning we had blueberry pancakes for breakfast and afterward we took a nice ride through downtown Charleston.
This is the Marketplace where they sell all kinds of items, jewelry, books, snacks and several vendors selling sweet grass baskets.When we were in Mt Pleasant we saw many roadside stands selling them. They were all custom made by Afro-Americans and they were all beautiful. I wanted to buy one, but when I saw the price of $125 for a tiny 4" basket to $300 for a 10" basket I changed my mind. Loved them all, but just to expensive for me.
We didn't take a tour in Charleston, but just rode all around.checking out various churches, streets and houses.
Last year Kim had this great panel at the shop which is a map of the USA. I made it to fit the MH wall and put french knots in every place we have stayed in the MH. Now got to add Savannah and Charleston to the map.