Our first stop was in Tifton, GA at the KOA. We have stayed there many times before and it is always a nice friendly CG with a nice site about 300 miles from home, so not too long a drive. It was dark and cold when we arrived, but we were set up in no time. We didn't even have to unhook the car, but we did have to dewinterize the MH and put some water in the tank for flushing and hand washing and flush out the waterline in the refrigerator, dump the old ice cubes and make some new ones to dump until the line was fresh. We had chili for dinner, then settled in for a nice sleep.
We arrived the next day at the KOA in St Augustine Beach. It is a nice CG with a oblong shaped pond and sites the length of the pond. We didn't choose a pond site, but our site was big enough and we had a nice table and chairs, a swing, grill, a fire ring and a chiminea. We have stayed here before and it is right down the road from The Meyers.
The next day it was raining so we met The Meyers at their house and played a few games with the kids. Emma liked the game like Jenga and Trevor, Connect Four. They were both very good at them. We tried our best, but they were pros. Then we met the Bells for dinner at Mellow Mushroom in honor of David's 77th birthday.

The next morning we met for breakfast at the Oasis right down the road. The food was excellent and they had a great menu. Too much eating already. We had made plans for the groomer at Murabella to shave Nicky and remove any knots he might have. We dropped him off in the morning and spent the day getting some last minute gifts, shopping at the outlet mall and waiting for Nicky. We knew they closed at 6 and it was a super busy day for Crystal and we knew Nicky would be a work in, so we arrived early so they wouldn't have to wait on us when he was ready. She did a great job and even gave him a bath. She said he was so good and he was only concerned went she turned on the fan to blow him dry. He was actually a bit damp underneath, but she said he was so good. He's the most laid back of all our 3 kitties. She even put a black glitzy bow tie on him and some tinsel and took his picture in a Christmas scene for us. He was just so cute. We took him home and he was so proud of his new haircut and bow tie. The next thing we knew he was laying down in front of the heater. He was on his side and all stretched out with the warm air blowing on his tummy. I guess he loved that blow dry at the groomers after all. I wish I had thought to take a picture.

Christmas Eve was at The Bells. It was cold and rainy AGAIN. They had prepared a feast. There was so much food we couldn't even try it all. Everything was great. I think I ate too much of the appetizers before dinner too. Before dinner the kids decorated gingerbread trains and we all joined in. It was a fun evening.

Christmas morning we met at The Meyers at 8am to open gifts. The Bells also came while we opened gifts. The Meyers were all dressed in matching PJ's. The kids both got new bikes. Our main gifts to them was Emma a winter Twirly Girl dress with long sleeves.. It was quite heavy, but Emma loved it. Ryan said she loved the one I sent for her birthday and she was constantly wearing it. Trevor got a couple of Hot Wheel sets. There were so many things to open. One of Trevor's favorites was a new fishing rod and reel. They have a pond in their back yard and he loves to go down there and fish. We gave them both new socks, a shirt and a board game.

The day after Christmas The Meyers came over to the CG so they had a good place to ride their bikes, check out the new fishing rod. Emma wore her new Twirly Girl dress and it was the first and only sun we had seem the entire time. The weather was pretty nice and Bentley and I took a stroll around the pond. Later in the day The Bells came over and we had a nice cookout before the rain started. We all went inside and had a nice game of Wildlife Bingo. We had spotted that game we we were at Acadia National Park earlier this year and thought the kids might like it. It was a big hit and all of us had a great time playing.

This is Finnegan's favorite place in the MH. It's the cabinet above the bed and he's the only one that is skinny and tall enough to jump up there on his own. You just have to remember to close the cabinet at night so he doesn't dive bomb you while you are sleeping.

We met The Meyers at Salt Life on the beach for lunch. I had a salad and David had the best New England clam chowder he's ever had. We will definitely come back here again for that. After wards
we went to their house for a few minutes since they had a wedding to go to later in the afternoon. Trevor had fun with his new fishing rod. Emma got a little sewing kit and they both had fun learning a little about sewing. Najla kept referring to the sewing stitches as "sutures". LOL

We left the next day for home, stopping at the Forsyth, GA KOA overnight. The have a nice CG and always bring you 3 huge fresh baked chocolate chip cookies to your site after you check in. Even more weight to lose now. Bentley and I took a few laps around the CG and he really enjoys the CGs that have woods rater than people and RVs next to him.

It was a uneventful trip and we had a great Christmas except for the rain, rain, rain and strong winds. It rains hard there too, not like Tennessee. It was nice to get back home.