I totally forgot to post about our trip to St Augustine. But better late than never.
We decided to go to St Augustine in June to visit the Meyers. We usually go around Christmas, but thought it might be fun to go when it wasn't cold and rainy. It definitely was not cold, but Florida is always rainy and humid. We had a great time anyway.
We always stop in Tifton, Ga area on the way down to break up the trip. As usual Nickie has to ride up front, either in the bed on the dash, in David's lap or on the floor in front of my chair. He is a great little traveler.

Bentley and Nickie waiting patiently for their nightly brushing.
For a quick Father's Day meal we went to Osprey Tacos for street tacos and beer.
The food was good and it provided shelter from the rain.
Finnegan is the one that loves the cabinet over the bed, but this is Nickie, not to be out done has to get up there too. The problem is he has to be lifted up because he's too fat to jump.
We got the kitties new water fountains which they love and I made a little placemat to keep the water dripping off the floor..
We had such a good time with the Meyers while we were there. Ryan and Najla were both working and her brother and his family were visiting from Colorado, so we saw them when they were available and did our own thing too. We decided to go to one of our favorite spots, Sea Life for lunch and get a bowl of NE clam chowder. As I was stepping up to the entry I fell on my Lt shoulder and injured it and possibly a torn rotator cuff. It just doesn't pay to get old.
The Meyers had a business meeting while we were there and asked if we could pick up the kids after school. So we did and went home and played video games with them. They have limits on when and how often they can play and they had to teach us how to play. We weren't very good at it, but had lots of fun any way.
Due to the rain we cooked cheesesteaks on the Blackstone on their back porch. This is Ellie, the Meyers dog. She is part pit bull and WHITE. Crystal, their groomer did a little art work on her and did a zebra look and then colors. Quilt a change in her looks
When we made campground reservations we could only get a few nights at the KOA close to the Meyers and had to reserve the rest of the time at Coastal RV which is one of our favorites, If we are lucky to get a space in the newer area it has spacious sites and nice brick pavers. We were lucky and had a great spot.
The Meyers and Najla's Dad came over for a cookout of chicken fried rice and egg rolls. We had a great time spending time with them. This is one of Trevor's favorite meals. I can't believe how big Emma and Trevor are. Wish we could see them more often.
Finnegan actually enjoyed sitting outside with us. There were no people or dogs nearby to make him nervous. We were leaving in the morning to head home.
We arrived home safely and I was back at work in no time. Nickie decided he needed to help.