A couple of the 80 horses just waiting to take us on a long trail ride into the Black Hills National Forest. Yipee !

OH, We're "Back in the Saddle Again"
I'm back in the saddle again, out where a friend is a friend,
Where the long horn cattle feed on the lonely jimson weed,
I'm back in the saddle again.
Ridin' the range once more, totin' my old forty-four,
Where you sleep out every night and the only law is right,
Back in the saddle again.
Whoopi ti yi yo, rockin' to a fro, back in the saddle again
Whoopi ti yi yea, I'll go my own way
Back in the saddle again.

HUMMMM... Those tracks look fresh. Must be Indians ahead.
David riding Crow (the horse).

These are two of the many white tail deer we saw on our trail ride.

It was a great trail ride---but help!!!! How do I get off this thing? Max the horse, that is.

Statue of FDR. In visiting downtown Rapid City we came across these life like statues of the past Presidents. They are standing on corner through out down town. It was so much fun to drive around and try and determine which one was which president. Some were very obvious.