We had a great adventure today. We were surrounded by many wild animals. Here are some of the pictures we took. There were so many animals, it was difficult to really capture it all. Wednesday we are headed to Mitchell, S. Dakota as a one night stop over.

These white wolves were beautiful. In one area, 3 of them were rolling and playing in the grass, just like 3 kids.

Our car was surrounded by about 200 black bears in this area. We couldn't take pictures fast enough.

Barney the buffalo.

This badger has a face only a mother could love.

One of the bobcats is giving the other a tongue bath. Just like Jonathan giving Finnegan a spikey- doo on the top of his head.

These baby bears are all about 4 months old since baby bears are born in Jan. They were all having the greatest time playing, rolling and frolicking with each other. We could have watched them all day. There must have been 2 dozen baby bears all playing together.

Baby bear having lunch while sitting in his food bowl.

Baby bear playing with his toes.

A red fox--not the comedienne.
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