Mark's party on Saturday was fantastic. There were probably 150 people there from cancer centers in South Florida and current or ex Varian employees that both David and I knew. Having lived in the the area for 20 years, you meet and work with a LOT of people. It was embarrassing since many and I mean many came up to us and gave us a hug and we had no cue who they were or where they were from. If we were lucky, they introduced themselves.Several people came up to me and said, "I'm______, I was one of your students or I worked with you at _______. Uhhh clueless. There was a Radiation Therapy program in Broward county that turned out about 15 to 20 students per year for at least 15 years. That's a lot of students and they are all at least 12 years older, including us!!!! Usually after they walked away it dawned on me who they were. It was a wonderful night. Nancy did a fantastic job getting the word out to everyone and organizing the party. Mark had a great time and it was like a big reunion of friends. We just wish our memories weren't so bad. Everyone was really happy to see David. Everyone clapped and cheered when Nancy thanked us for coming so far to be at the party. All the people really missed David. He got a tons of hugs. This is a picture of Mark and Nancy's 3 "kids" (or they were "kids" when we knew them.

Sarah, David, Nick and Leah
The motor home park "resort" we are staying in is right across the highway from Mark and Nancy's house. It is a very fancy, smancy place which is only half completed & still under construction, but is renting out sites, The sites are actually for sale for a very high price. The pads are brick pavers, it is very nicely landscaped and well lit. It's a beautiful resort, but your motor home has to be a Class A, at least 34 ft long and relatively new to get in. Yesterday when we looked out the window there was a man walking across the grass being followed by a sand tail crane. No matter where he went, the crane followed. He must be feeding him or something for the crane to be so loyal.
We had a great night on Sunday visiting with Mark and Nancy and are headed to St Augustine now. This is the way our Nicky likes to travel.This is a really quick trip, but the kitties are probably more relaxed than ever before.
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