The Meyers arrived and we had such a good time. We drove the golf carts down near the lake and over to the barn, then through some of the CG loops and to the pool, tennis courts and fishing area.
We saw a whole new crew of horses, including Patches which was just over a week old SO CUTE !!!
On the way the kids found little prizes hidden throughout the CG. When I went on FB I noticed a Ft Wilderness scavenger hunt group so I joined the group. The idea was that you hide little prizes around the CG and give hints as to where they are hidden and others find them. I had some big cute pens and pencils and candy so we went around the CG hiding them and taking pictures of where they could be found and posting the picture and hints on FB. People were finding them really fast. On the weekend there were a lot of kids in the cg and lots of people hiding and looking for prizes. The kids had a great time.
We saw lots of wild turkeys in the cg. We saw 4 right together near the barn.
Even Nicholas went for a fun rie in the golf cart. He loved looking at everything and the wind in his face.
At night we had campfires, roasted marshmallows and had a wonderful time.
More treats to be found.
On one night we had fried rice on the griddle. It was really good and Trevor and Emma really liked it.
Trevor had 3 helpings and ate it again for breakfast the next day.
Ryan and the kids went for a canoe ride through the canals in the campground. At one point I went outside to get the paper towels from the night before and the 3 of them were paddling down the canal in the back of our campsite. They had a great time doing that and going to the huge pool.
On Sunday Najla's mother fell while riding her bike alone in St. Augustine and The Meyers had to leave a day early to go take care of her. They think she had a concussion as she had some memory loss and didn't remember what happened to her or anything that she had done for the last 6 months. We had reservations for breakfast at the Whispering Canyon Cafe at Wilderness Lodge so they left after breakfast to drive back home.
The Lodge was incredible. It was built to look like the lodge at Yellowstone National Park and it did.
What a beautiful lodge.