Sunrise in Monument Valley

Sunrise in Monument Valley

Thursday, July 7, 2022

A Couple More Family Reunion Pictures

 I didn't do a good job of getting pictures at the reunion. David's niece Julie was trying to get group pictures and she did pretty good.

This was our clan picture. LT to RT: Ann Blais (David's sister), Najla Bell-Meyer (our DIL), Ryan Meyer (son), Colleen Surette (DIL, Quinn (Catie) Surette (GD), Emma Meyer (GD), in the front Anna Marie and Briana Surette (GDs), in back Alan Surette and Greg Surette (sons), David Surette, in front Trevor Meyer (GS), me, Glynda Surette (daughter), Chris Sather (Glynda's significant other.

                                                                  David, Glynda and Greg

                                           Ann's with her kids:   Julie, David, Ann, Dan, Michelle.

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