After breakfast we walked over to the ship, Nao Trinidad for a tour. It was docked just south of the Bridge of Lions and by the time we left the restaurant, the fog had cleared, and we could see her clearly. She was a beautiful Tall Shop. Of course, she is one of the reproduction ships of Ferdinan Magellan to encourage education of historical events.
She is touring various ports along the Eastern Seaboard and was in St Augustine until the end of April. Here is some info on her. Trinidad (ship) - Wikipedia
NAO Trinidad – Tall Ships America
This is the Bridge of Lions which takes you from St. Augustine to Anastasia Island, where Ryan and Najla live.

The lions sit on each side of the entrance to the bridge.
There's the ship. What I didn't notice until we got right over to it was the gangway entrance. Every ship I have been on had a nice flat long gangway without a steep angle. This one was not that. You can see the steepness of the gangway by looking at the white banner attached to it. ARE THEY KIDDING ME? Me, the faller and tripper of all times. Not only that, but there were NO RAILINGS to grab onto, just a rope on each side that was not taunt but swinging with the movement of the ship. OH LORDY. I just about turned around and left. One saving grace was that it had ridges that kept you from sliding back down. It took me a while to get up there. Once at the top there was another challenge---getting onto the ship. The step down was very steep and the steps were very small width wise. People must have had very small feet back then.

Once on board, the ship had 3 levels, The deck , top level and lower deck. Going from one level to the next was also challenging since the steps were also small and steep, but at least there were wooden handrails to hold onto. And inside all the areas were at an angle. I can't imagine sailor climbing up the riggings on a ship like this, especially when at sea.
It was surprising how small this ship really was to sail all around the globe.
Here's the route taken.
Some of the storage areas for food and supplies.
Those steep, little steps again.
The captain's quarters. The only bedroom on the ship.
Goodbye Nao Trinidad. It was nice to visit ye.
Now to find our way back to the car. We headed back across the intersection at Ponce de Leon and King St, towards the direction we thought our car was.
Past the square.
Past some nice little shops.
Old historic buildings.
Then we remembered our cell phones and location options. When looking at it, it showed the approximate area where our car was. As we got closer, we stated to recognize buildings with Flagler College that we had walked past on our way to breakfast. And there was the parking lot where we had parked. YAY!!!! Boy, were we tired and happy to find our car and get back to the kitties. It was time for them to have a go out anyway. At least we had a little adventure this trip, and nothing broken.
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