We arrived in Intercourse for a couple of days of good eating and shopping. The campground we stayed at was Beacon Hill, just 1 mile from the center of the town and in the middle of the Amish farmlands. There is just so much to see in this area that it really didn't matter where we stayed. This campground is very small and only accepts persons 16 and older. The owners were very nice and we had great Internet service. In August they have homemade ice cream from one of the Amish farms in the area. We were just too early for that luxury. Too bad. It was wonderful the last time we stayed here.
All of the farmers were busy plowing their fields with teams of mules.
I really hate to use Internet pictures to describe our trip, but I forgot to bring my camera--so here goes.
I was able to get the The Old Country Store before they closed to walk through their quilt museum. They had some beautiful quilts hanging. This is a combo museum, gift shop and fabric store. They had very nice fabric, but it's not my favorite store in this area of the country. I much prefer Zooks. It is more of a real shop and less of a tourist shop. They have lots and lots of fabrics both for quilting and Amish clothing. It's where the Amish and Mennonite shop and some of the Mennonite ladies work there. If you didn't know the shop was there, you would pass right by. They are next door to the handmade pretzel shop Immergut Pretzels. YUM!

Our next stop was to Shady Maple Farmers Market. This place is huge. Their selection of everything is overwhelming. We stopped in just to pick up Whoopie Pies and their scrumptious Chicken Pot Pies which are stuffed full of chicken and vegetable. YUM AGAIN!