We had a great tour of the US Capitol Building. Although we did not have access to the senate and house of representatives, it was still very informative. The architecture was impressive.

This is the National Statuary Hall or the Old Hall of the House of Representatives. It is now used for receptions and get togethers.

This is the rotunda with the beautiful dome. This room is where important people lay in state prior to their funeral.

The kitties all had to help me relax after our long and VERY WARM (88 degree) day out. Aren't they so considerate?

Each day we took the metro back and forth from the RV park to downtown. It was an interesting trip and lengthy, but it was easier than renting a car and trying to drive and park in DC traffic.

Another view of the Library of Congress (across from the Capitol).

The Washington Monument--been there-done that and didn't need to do that again.

Our good friends Trudie and Neal. We went to dinner with them--to a great little Irish Pub in Silver Springs, MD. We had a great time and wish we could stay longer. It was so good to see them again.

The White House in the distance.

The Jefferson Memorial.
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