If you have been though Homestead and never stopped at Robert is Here you are missing an experience. RIH has been here for decades and on the weekend you have to park a block away just to get near the entrance. It is a fruit stand, but so much more than that. It began when Robert as a young boy was sent to the corner to sell fresh vegetables. No one bought them. So the next day he made a sign that said "Robert Is Here" and he sold all his vegetables. From that point on his business grew and grew. Today it is his family business and sells all types o tropical fruits, fresh vegetables, jams, jellies, candy, sauces, honey and other products. It is a site to behold. The most popular is his milkshake stand made with fresh fruits of all varieties. On the weekend there is a live band. In the back is a petting zoo. You can wait in kine a long time for one of his milkshakes. Today we were lucky. It pays to go in the middle of the day on a Monday.

A menu for their milkshakes or smoothies. They are to die for. I decided on a Key Lime Milkshake. It was a toss up between that and a Passion Fruit/Key Lime. YUM!!!!

We bought a couple of the unusual fruits to bring home and try. This is a Jack fruit. It tastes like vanilla pineapple.
I have never heard of some of those fruits. How fun to get to sample them with smoothie and milkshakes.