This was a lovely surprise fill with chocolate kisses for snacking while we stitched.
When we arrived Saturday moring we had a packet of beautiful threads from Valdani. I love Valdani threads and no one carries them in my area so they are a luxury.
We stitched all morning with Jan showing us sseveral new stitchess whie we practiced. This is the sample pin cushion project we are all working on to get us ready for the Romancing Baskets pattern Jan so graciously gave us. Of course, when working on our pin cushion we can embroider any way we choose. Jan's is so pretty and it makes you want to try to copy her stitches. I did use different fabrics that we got in our kits, so mine won't look just like Jan's.
Lunch time again.. I feel like all we do is stitch and eat. Hey, that's all we do do. A delicious lunch of Polynesian chicken, wild rice, grilled vegetables, salad and cheese cake.

After lunch we returned to find another treat. a little box of chocolates.
Some of the other students brought various embroidery books to share, some of which were out of print, but had they wonderful patterns.
We stitched until 3pm and then it was time for tea and show and tell again.
These are 2 of Elan's. Very nice. quilts
After the retreat was over for the day, David picked me up and we went to dinner at Aunt Kate's in North Beach, SA.
A nice salad and a basket of their special breads.
I had the Shrimp and Grits and David had the Seafood Platter. Too much food, but good.
DAY 4 of the Retreat. This is the last day of Tea and Stitches. It has been so much fun and I hate to see it end.
Another little surprise was waiting for us when we arrived. A little high heel shoe of silk ribbon from YLI,
And a Bonus pattern of the Romancing Bskets Pin Cushion we are working on.Names were drawn all through the retreat for door prizes and I won a package of wool fabrics and matching threads from Weeks Dye Works. My favorite colors too. Thank you Jan and WDW.
Before we left for the day, we gathered for lunch and a departing surprise. More chocolates and tea to take with us and more door prizes.
Ann won 2 door prizes. Lucky girl. I won 2 last year.
We checked in with Ryan. Emma was better, but Trevor had a fever of 102, so we decided to go over and visit while we could,
This is a picture of Najla and Trevor when he was feeling better.
And a few days earlier.
And this is today. Poor boy. We went over to visit and spend some time with everyone. I had bought some tulle to make Emma a couple of TuTus that did not require sewing. They had pink and white glitter in the tulle and it was everywhere. They turned out pretty fluffy and you can see. This is today and Trevor is feeling much better. Maybe he is over the worst of it. Wish we could stay longer and visit more, but we have an appt. to get the recall on the MH steps fixed while we are in the area. Then we are going to Ocala to visit Maryann.