Well, here we are in Kansas City. It was an uneventful trip even though we were off to a slow start. Both of us had trouble sleeping as the campground was next to the interstate and near the railroad tracks. It was like being in an "I Love Lucy" episode, only we weren't laughing. Finally we dozed off and when we woke the satellite clock said it was 1:30 am. We were wide awake with 5 hrs left to go before it was time to get up.Good grief!!!!. Even the cats were awake and wanting breakfast. After a trip to the bathroom I noticed my watch said it was 5:30AM. Well, those kitties are always right aren't they. I guess out clock had not reset itself properly.
Can I go next time? I don't guess the boys would move over the give me space.
ReplyDeleteThe only time I've seen the Arch, I was driving and craning my neck to look just as I hit that downtown traffic. Next time I want to be a passenger.
I've seen the ARCH 3 times and have yet to go up in it. Maybe onbe day we can go together.
ReplyDeleteThe Boys will always make room for another cat person.