When we were at Shady Maple we couldn't resist picking up some cinnamon buns. These had (too much) icing, but were very tasty. Normally we would not eat anything this sweet for breakfast, but anything from Shady Maple is a treat. So, we scraped off some of the icing and they were great with our coffee.

Our first stop was right next door to our campsite. Who knew this place was here. In past stays at this CG we've only seen it from the back, as we were up on the hill in a campsite behind the building. We would watch their kids play outside and I'm pretty sure where we are staying now was a cow pasture. Anyway, Ann Marie told us they had some nice things in the shop so we walked over to check it out. What a surprise right under our noses.

Our first stop was right next door to our campsite. Who knew this place was here. In past stays at this CG we've only seen it from the back, as we were up on the hill in a campsite behind the building. We would watch their kids play outside and I'm pretty sure where we are staying now was a cow pasture. Anyway, Ann Marie told us they had some nice things in the shop so we walked over to check it out. What a surprise right under our noses.

They had lots of homemade items for sale including quilts. This was a beautiful Mariners Compass . It was hand quilted, of course. I noticed all the quilts here seem to have thick poly batting and minimal quilting. They are gorgeous. They also had some nice table toppers and some nice patterns that were different. I picked up a few for ideas for small projects.

The shop owners SIL also makes these very pretty quilt Christmas ornaments which I found out how to make. Not as tedious as they look, but great for gifts.

They had a sign that read "Moda fabric upstairs:. We looked upstairs and they did have a little fabric. I'm sure this area has been hit heavily with quilters and quilt shows and decided they had better get in on the fabric movement, It used to be shops only sold their own hand quilted quilts, but now are getting smarter and carrying fabrics also.

Next stop was The Old Country Store and Zooks which were across the street from each other. Zooks had lots of good prices, but nothing that appealed to me and TOCS always has a great selection of fabrics, books, kits and FQs. I found a couple of batiks that will work with my BOM that I'm working on at home, They have their fabric arranged so nicely. The center of the room has all of the fabrics by color together. Then around the room it is organized by collection and manufacturer. And they have a LOT of fabric. Then they have a separate room for flannels and solids. It's just too bad I don't have a project in mind.

This was such a simple, but striking quilt on the wall. It's the choice of colors that makes it and the picture doesn't do it justice.

So many shops sell quilts. I love this place
About 4:30 we took a ride over the Lapps Family Farm. They are the ones that provide the fresh ice cream for the ice cream socials at the CG in August. Rennie told us how to get to the farm where we could get some homemade ice cream. The cream content on this ice cream is very high so it is really good and creamy. It was no small task to find this place and if you go at milking time you can eat your ice cream while they are milking the cows. I was expecting an old farm and hand milking. NOT SO. The farm was beautiful and very clean and modern.

We sat on the big front porch to eat our ice cream and noticed the sign on the wall. Check out the last paragraph.

This is a working farm, but it is the Lapp's family farm so they live here and maintain the property beautifully. We couldn't believe the ice cream store had a drive thru. Who wouldn't want to stop and eat your ice cream right here.
I'd love to see that dairy. I've never been to one, and I bet it was interesting. I couldn't enlarge the sign to read the last paragraph - may be just me. You'll have to tell me what it said. I love that quilt hanging on the wall. I saw a small version once in our (former) quilt shop here and fell in love with it. It was tiny, only about 20 inches square, and the color were random, but it was so pretty. I took a picture of it and thought I would copy it one day. Can't imagine making one that large and keeping those strips straight!