Sunrise in Monument Valley

Sunrise in Monument Valley

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 19 --Another Beautiful Seattle Day

The weather has been just perfect while we have been in the Seattle area. As a matter of fact it has been perfect every where so far. We relaxed a little, cleaned up the MH, and went grocery shopping to stock up on food for the next several days.

 In the early afternoon we headed back downtown because we were taking a cruise to Blake Island and Tullicum Village for a traditional salmon bake. I know it is a touristy thing to do, but I did it about 30 years ago and it was fun and the salmon was delicious. We left the MH early enough that we could spend a little more time downtown Seattle.

The views were so great. And yes, that's the Space Needle. 

AND SPEAKING OF VIEWS...... We couldn't believe this one either.This is a guy dressed in all green plaid. Good grief!!!!

The ride to the island was very nice. The ship line provided us with lots of info and history about the area on the way over and we arrived safe and sound.

The meal was very good. This was our menu.
Steamed Clams in Nectar
As you disembark the boat join other guests for a welcoming mug of steamed clams in broth with a touch of butter and onions – delicious! As is tradition at Tillicum, the used shells are crushed under foot to create the beautiful pathway.
Traditional Alder Baked Salmon
Savor this centuries-old treat! Our salmon, baked around alder wood fires on cedar stakes, is unlike anything you have ever tasted. Taking approximately one hour to bake slowly to perfection, the salmon retains moisture and takes on a wonderful mild flavor unique to this style of cooking. Served with our signature Juniper Berry Seasoning.
Signature Northwest Stew
This thick meaty stew of bison, beef and venison is full of flavors married together in a rich veal stock, combined with root vegetables and potatoes for a mouth-watering dish.
Wild Grain Harvest Rice
Try this wonderful combination of wild and regular rice, cooked to perfection with onions, garlic and a fragrant vegetable stock.
Warm Whole Grain Tillicum Bread
This rich, dark, slightly-sweet bread is made with a hint of molasses – our own private recipe, served warm with butter. So popular, in fact, you can even purchase loaves to take home!
Field Greens Salad
Seasonal greens, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, Oregon blue cheese, with stone ground rosemary dressing or raspberry vinaigrette served on the side.
Tri-Colored Bean Salad
A colorful display of chilled marinated creamy-white cannellini beans and bright, fresh green beans
tossed with cherry tomatoes, fresh basil and shallots in a red-wine vinaigrette

Fresh Fruit Salad
Assorted Melons, Grapes, Strawberries and Pineapple, served with a Strawberry Honey Dipping Sauce
Northwest Dessert Treat.

This is the way they prepared our salmon. YUM!!!

After this terrific and very filling meal there was a live show with local Indian dances, and story telling.
We took a little walk around the island before heading back to Seattle.

                                                   Mount Rainer was just barely visible.

                                                 Tomorrow we head down the Oregon Coast.

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